Next Laois Archery Shoot

Sunday 27th of October – IFAA 3D Hunting Round (x2)
We’ll be setting up both sides of our woods into two 1×28 courses, so we can divide people up efficiently and give you the opportunity to lose even more arrows – there’s an ancient archery deity out there somewhere who’s feeling pretty chuffed after all of the sacrifices at Nationals I reckon.
Child: €5
We’ve actually gotten ourselves a little card reader folks, so we accept all forms of payment. We can even accept pre-payment now, so if you’re looking for that just contact us and we can send you a link.
Toilets on site
Tea, coffee, and biscuits provided, but please bring a travel mug if possible!
Members of the following organisations are eligible to compete at an IFAF shoot, as a guest:
- All organisations affiliated to the International Field Archery Association (IFAA)
- All organisations affiliated to World Archery
- ITFAS – Irish Traditional Field Archery Society
- SIFA – Society of Irish Field Archers
- NFAS – National Field Archery Society
They should also note that they are NOT covered under IFAF’s personal accident insurance
and must have such insurance either through their own association or personally.